Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Online research: Go online. Look for and write in a new post the
                                    following information:

Duties and responsibilities: while considered an alternative health practice in the west. Acupuncture practitioners treat a wide range range of physical and psychologist conditions and provide support for patients with chronic diseases.
Salary: the total is: 31,390
Median: 81,830
Education: certificate and associate’s degree programs prowide classroom instruction, as well handas- on workshops where students apply their acurpresure knowledge. Accredited formal education programs students for state licensing exams.

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Reflection: I would like it to be one because I like what they do. Along time ago I was thinking to be one acupressure, I think its fine to be one. I would like it to be one because you can do massages to the people that need it.  

                      Students Success Statement

                 "Our very business in life is not gate ahead of others... but to get ahead our ourselves."

                         Thomas S. Monson

Allopathic Physician (M.D.)

Allopathic Physician (M.D.)

Online research:
Go online. Look for and provide the following information as a new post in your electronic portfolio.  

Duties and responsibilities: many medical schools are increasing enrollments in anticipation of an expected shortage of doctors in all professional and geographic
Salary: based on my data, the U.S. bureau of labor statistics reports a median salary of $163,510 for family
Education: there are 126 allopathic medical schools in the United States, including three in virginal.
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Reflection: I would like to be one of those because I like what they do help the people. All this person that do this is for one reason to help others persons. It would be interesting be one because you would learn more things.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Student Success Statement

                 Student Success Statement

      "True wealth is of the heart, not the purse."
                               Og Mandino
i think all the people need to say the true, because when some one say the true the person feel better. and they don't say the true they feel bad thinking like i should  say the true. when you don't say the true in your heart always is gonna tell you the first is amilate the things the a person is doing. if you know the you did something wrong and you trying to lie you heart is gonna tell you don't lie the true is first. 

Allergist / Immunologist

Allergist / Immunologist

Online research:
Go online. Look for and provide the following information. Publish your information as a new post in your electronic portfolio.

Duties and responsibilities: Immunologist  are there responsible for investigation the function of the body immune system and applying this knowledge in order the diagnost and monitor a range.
Salary: Median expect annual pay for a typical physician- immunologist / allergist in the united $225,814 so 50% of the people who perform the job.
Education: 4 years of education. These present the latest discoveries in allergy / immunologist , other physicians and allied health provides.
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Reflection: I would like to be one because I would help people that need help. I like all that has to be with this  problems. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014


                 CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

                  Student Success Statement
      "Real wealth is not so much what we have as what we are."

Sterling w. Sill



Online Research:
Go online. Look for and provide following information. Publish your information as a new post article in your Electronic portfolio.

Duties and responsibilities: provide relief to patients through acupuncture treatment.
Salary: United Sates range from $26,000 TO $72,000 with a median salary of $45,000 a year.
Education: a master’s degree program begins the core education training for an acupuncturist. Most master’s- level acupuncture programs require 3-4 years of study.
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Reflection: I would like to be one because I can help some people. I like old this things that I’m learning I really I would like to b one because you can learn things that you didnt know that you would do.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014



Online research: Go online. Look for and write in a new post the
                                    following information:

Duties and responsibilities: while considered an alternative health practice in the west. Acupuncture practitioners treat a wide range range of physical and psychologist conditions and provide support for patients with chronic diseases.
Salary: the total is: 31,390
Median: 81,830
Education: certificate and associate’s degree programs prowide classroom instruction, as well handas- on workshops where students apply their acurpresure knowledge. Accredited formal education programs students for state licensing exams.

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Reflection: I would like it to be one because I like what they do. Along time ago I was thinking to be one acupressure, I think its fine to be one. I would like it to be one because you can do massages to the people that need it.  

Friday, August 15, 2014

                          All about me 
   My name is Ingrid Castillo.i am 15 years old, i like to dance all king of music. i am from  mexico. i am a lovely person. i like make new friends every day. i like how i am, and people like me how i am. i like go out with friends. like going to the park, go eat, play soccer.I really love soccer i would like it to play but i don't know i hope one day  would get in one team. I really love go to the lake its so beautiful.I think the family its important for every one. I have one sister and one brother i'm the youngerst one. this all about me and how i am i hope you like how i am.

electronic portfolio

                     Student Success Statement

               "Education is the Latchkey to success in life."

                                  Gordon B Hinckley.


Duties and responsibilities:
Ophthalmologist are physicians who specialize in the treatment of eye disorders and diseases. They treat vision problems and write prescription for both pharmaceuticals and corrective eyeglass lenses. When necessary they perform eye surgery. most ophthalmologist are in private practice, however some are employed by hospitals or clinics, and others perform search.
Average Salary:$90,000-$150,000
Educational Requirements:
Only physicians may study to become ophthalmologists. After completing medical school and an internship, an ophthalmologist must then complete a three to five year residency in an approved ophthalmologist program. After completing their residency program they must pass an examination to be certified.
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Reflection : i think I would like it to be one because I would help people that has problem with that. I would help a lot of people that has ophthalmologist and that I know I can do somenthing for that people. I would like to study a lot of physicians because, I would know how to help the people that has the come a person that study for physicians  its take a lot of time but if you really want to be one you should do your best. I would like to be one.