Monday, September 29, 2014

Dr. Seuss

Student Success Statement

“You have brains in your head,
You have feet in your shoes;
You can steer yourself in
any direction you choose.
You’re on your own,
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.”
Dr. Seuss

this quote its that your a person that has a brain in your  head means that you can choose your own desitions. you can decided what you want. that you know what kaing of person you are. its means that all the ways you choose is your decition, you decide where you gong what you do its jus you.

Trauma nurse

                Trauma nurse

   Duties and responsibilities: emergency nurse are registered nurses that work in hospitals or stand-alone emergency department. Energy trauma nurse provide care to patients who have suffered serious and work related.

   Salary: the average trauma nurse salary lies within the $60,000 to $70,000 per year range.

Education: if this sounds like a nursing path is for your, you need to first find the right nursing program. The first step toward any nursing specialty is become a license licensed registered.

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   Reflection: I would like it to be one because I would help people to deal with his  traumas. I would learn things that can help me to help people to deal with that problems. I would like to be one because its interesting how can people have traumas and they don’t know how to deal with that and that being a nurse you can teach them how to deal with that.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"Obedience is the great test of life"

             "Obedience is the great test of life"

Thomas S. Monson 

The obedience its important great of  life hes taring to said that for all the person the obedience its important because you would be obedience person in your life like a test . its the way your gong and how much you put attention in the obedience of life.

Biomedical Engineer

    Biomedical Engineer
   Duties and responsibilities: biomedical engineering is a sub-specialty of engineering that concentrates on solving biological and medical problems. Biomedical engineers work for engineering companiesn hospitals medical supply companies and medical technology firms.

   Salary: in the United States is $51,490 so 50% of the people who perform the job of biomedical engineer.

   Education: prospective  biomedical engineering should take high school science courses such as chemistry physics and biology.

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   Reflection: I would like to be one because I would learns new things that no one has not know. It would be interesting be one because you would learn a lot of things of a human body like animals body. That’s why I would like to be one.

Monday, September 22, 2014

"Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy."

   "Obedience is central to becoming, being, and                             remaining happy."
David Bednar

 David Bednar is traing to said that if you are  a person that obedience your going to be happy. because the obedience its important in our life's to be becoming remaining happy with you or yourself that you can be sure with yourself that obedience is the first thing  if your want to be happy.


Duties and responsibilities: cancer registrars responsible for maintaining databases of cancer information that are used to research cancer prevention and treatment methods.

Salary: in the United States is $129,413 so 50% of the people who perform the job of cancer treatment center director.

Education: this journal presents research that aims to improve current cancer education techinques and solve current problems that exist in education patients.

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Reflection: i would like to be one to help to fine the way that cancer no exist. It make you think a  lot  of things because there little kids like adult people that have cancer and I want to help them that’s why I would like to be one.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Obedience sums up our entire duty"

            "Obedience sums up our entire duty"

Hosea Ballou

Hosea Ballou tray to said that obedience is the first think we should do. obedience is the entire duty for us that we need to do for a good because obedience is that thing all people should do for them good. obedience sums up our entire duty.

Autogenic Training

Autogenic Training

Duties and responsibilities: autogenic training (AT) is a technique that teaches your body to respond to your verbal commands. These commands “tell” your body to relax control verbal commands.

Salary: the most infer that the first salary would have been paid in a village sometimes between in 10,000 BCE 6000.

Education: education is the general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills and habits of a group of people are transferred from the next teaching.
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Reflection: I would like it to one because I would learn more about how can people can  have little stress. I would like it to be one because I would help people when they have a lot of stress that things that autogenic training do.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Boyd K. Packer

                  CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!! 

                 Students Success Statement
   "The more obedient we are, the more we have."

Boyd K. Packer

Boyd K. Packer is trying to said that if we are obedient we are going to have more that if tour are a person that are obedient with your parents they can give you things that you want but you gotta be obedient with them and at the school. because if your obedient with your parents they can give you freedom, going out with your friends but if they say i want you at 8 at the house you gotta  be obedient and be at your house at 8. that they give you freedom when you want it.

Auricular Therapy

          Auricular Therapy

Duties and responsibilities: auricular acupuncture is a method which has been succesfully used in various field of medicine .

Salary: auricular therapy salary the median annual wage is $81,830 and the total employed nationally is 31,390

Education: the center conducts approximately 30 seminars and trains over a thousand person times every year.  This innovative medical system has been recognized by major western medical societies in U.S.

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Reflection: I think I would like it to be one because I would help people that had problems with the ear. It would help people that they have stress and when the doctors put the things in the ear you feel better. I really like it to be one because it would be interesting how they do that and to learn how they do it.

Friday, September 12, 2014

911 Memorial

                       911 Memorial
The first memorials to the victims of the September 11, 20001 attacks began to take shape online, as hundreds of webmasters posted their own thoughts links to the red cross and the other rescues agencies photos and eyewitness account.

The tribute in light was the first major physical memorial and museum, the national September 11 memorial and museum at the world trade center. Are being built as part of the being by overall WTC site  redevelopment

         The twin towers were attack in 911                                                                     

Suspiocion quickly fell on all –qaeda. Although the groups leader Osama bin laden initially deined any involment, in 2004 he claimed responsibilities for the attacks the united states responded to the attack by launching the war on troops in Saudi arabia and sanction against lrag as motives for the attack.

     My reflection is that I was just one year old when this happen. But now that my 15 years old I can understand what happen the day a lot of people died that’s make feel sad that inosent people died for one attack that Osama bin laden did just because he hate the United Sates. For the cause the twin towers were attack. I give thanks to god that me and my family we were not there. I feel sorry for all those families that they lost someone in the attack. Just one I see the video it make mad and sad at the same time because why those the kaing of people do that.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Boyd K. Packer

                   Student Success Statement 

                         "The key to freedom is obedience"


Boyd K. Packer

                   my reflection is that if you are a obedience person your going to have freedom in the things that you like to do. having freedom is somenthing the all the person should to have. obedience is soemthing that every one know is somenthing essay to do or act. he traing to say the if you are a good obedience you can have freedom.



1. definition  = compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority.

words that mean the same



Duties and responsibilities: counsel and instruct clients in techniques test or examinations to patients to improve hearing.

Salary: for audiologists was $69,720 in may 2012. Than $43,820, and the top present earned more then $101,130.

Education: audiology graduate programs integrate, coursework, skills labs and supervised clinical experience.

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Reflection:  I think I would like it to be one because I would learn a lot of thing. I would help people. to be honest I really like all this things about medicine and when I graduate from high school I would like it to be one.

Monday, September 8, 2014


                      CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

                        "What you are as a person is far more                                       important than what you are as a basketball player."

John Wooden

              my reflection would be if you are a person that you mix your job or somenthing that you really love like  a sport , you should be the two persons in one be with your family and at the same time with the thing you love to do  more. because that's somenthing i would do it is more important do what you like to do that what you work for.

Athletic trainer

Athletic trainer

Duties and responsibilities: conduct an initial assessment of an athlete’s injury of illness in order to provide emergency or continued care.

Salary: the annual of the salary for someone with the job title athletic trainer may vary depending on a factors including industry.

Education: the minimum requirements for most athletic trainer position is a bachelor’s deagree

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Reflection: I would like it to be one because when someone  is  deport and the person can’t not play anymore because he fell plying I can help the person . I would like it to be one because I would help the people.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


                 CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

               Students Success Statement

              "Your past is not your potential."
Marilyn Ferguson 

the past is not the potential because the past id somenthing that a ready happen. because if you remember somenthing that is past if not give you potential. past is past somenthing that is in the past that is not going to come again . the past is somenthing that you need to for get or keep it but is past.



Online Research:
Go online. Look for and provide the following information. Publish your information as a new post in your electronic portfolio.

Duties and responsibilities: Anesthesiologist are the physicians trained to administer and manage anesthesia given during a surgical procedure.
Salary: $343,000 EACH YEAR AND THIS CAN GO UP TO ABOUT $425,000.
Education: in general an anesthesiologist is a medical doctor who cares for a patient before
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Reflection: i think I would like to be one because I am I person that like all this thinks about doctors. I would like to be one because I would help a lot of people when they need it. anesthesiologist is something if you like you would do.